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Pulse Surveys: A Valuable Source of Workplace Data and Insight

Now more than ever, organizations need to act fast, adapt quickly, and derive data-based insights rapidly to remain competitive. An increasingly popular data-based tool for enabling this sort of rapid adaptation is the pulse survey. Pulse surveys represent an efficient method for gathering employee feedback and/or assessing perceptions1. Compared to “traditional” surveys, pulse surveys are…


Surveys in the Virtual Workplace: Tips for Addressing Common Issues

With the rise in virtual work brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become increasingly crucial for companies to effectively leverage online surveys.1 Although surveys have many advantages, they also have some drawbacks which, if not addressed, can limit their usefulness. Knowledge of common survey issues and how to address them is crucial for companies to get the most out of their surveys and engage in effective data-driven practices. Below, we discuss some common problems associated with the use of surveys and offer some tips for addressing these issues.  COMMON SURVEY ISSUES AND WHY THEY MATTER  Nonresponse Bias: Ideally, everyone who is…


Writing Strong and Effective Surveys

Every month we dive into what we are all so passionate about here at FMP: human capital management. With so many people working from home during the pandemic, employers and brands across the globe are sending more and more surveys to help take a pulse on their employees’ and clients’ needs, attitudes, and feelings. Unfortunately,…


Boosting Engagement: What You Need To Know

Engagement levels within your workforce can have a large and long-lasting impact on the success of your organization. With high engagement levels shown to increase productivity and lower turnover, engagement is not something to be ignored. You might be thinking what you can do to increase and maintain high levels of engagement? Check out FMP’s…